Thursday, July 1, 2010

Chew on This | Panna Cotta with Strawberries

Such an elegant dessert.  So light and airy.  It’s not at all sickly sweet. 

It has tones of sweetness.  

That’s right - tones of sweetness.  And tartness. Also, you can make this in just one sauce pan and the serving vessels of your choice.  That’s it.
If you make it for your friends, they’ll think you’re a total gourmet rock star.  I kid you not.  If you make it for your family, they’ll be demanding more - almost immediately.  
Tread carefully with these folks.

You will simply need:
Milk, gelatin powder (unflavored), heavy cream, vanilla, honey and salt

In your one sauce pan, pour in your milk and sprinkle on your gelatin powder.  Let this hang out on the cook top for about 5 minutes.

Times up.  Now turn on the heat to medium and stir to dissolve the gelatin.  Don’t let it boil!  

That would be bad - very bad.

Once your gelatin has dissolved - add in your cream.  Don’t be shy.  This is the good stuff. Now you can add in your honey.

And your vanilla.

Pinch of salt - if you please. Stir.  Let this delicious mixture warm - but stir it often. Again - no boiling. Take it off the heat and let it cool slightly.
While you wait - hull and slice your strawberries.

Pour, ladle or spoon your slightly cooled mixture into individual serving dishes.
I used martini glasses.  You could use whatever you have on hand. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until set.
And good!

Sorry.  This one is  mine!

Here's the recipe.
Panna Cotta with Strawberries
1 cup milk
1 T unflavored gelatin powder
3 cups heavy cream
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup honey
pinch of salt
Strawberries - hulled and sliced
In a sauce pan, pour milk and dust dust milk with gelatin powder.  Let stand 5 minutes.  Next, turn on heat to medium and stir mixture until all the gelatin dissolves.  Don’t allow mixture to come to a boil.
Once gelatin is dissolved, add all the cream, vanilla, honey and salt.  Sir to incorporate.  Allow this mixture to warm over medium heat for 5-7 minutes, stirring often.
Remove pan from heat and allow mixture to cool slightly.  Ladle mixture into individual serving dishes (depending on size of dish- makes 8-10 servings).  Cover with plastic wrap and allow to set in the refrigerator for a minimum of 5 hours or more.  
Spoon sliced strawberries onto panna cotta and enjoy.


  1. So yummy looking! I can actully hear your voice as I read it, like you are walking me through it... I might have to stop by for a try. Thanks!

  2. Thank you sweet girl! Come over - I miss your face! Cares

  3. ;-) No fair to actually say this ----> "Sorry. This one is mine!" We all want one too.

    Thank you for linking your pretty panna cotta to Monday, Mmm ... Dessert.
