Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Chew on This | Rhubard Compote with Vanilla Bean Ice Cream

When I was young, Mimi and Papa used to grow rhubarb in the back yard. Right near the peony plants. Outside of the large garden plot where they would also grow tomatoes, zucchini, yellow squash, lettuces, beans, peppers, peas....all the stuff I disliked as a kid. I preferred the rhubarb. Rhubarb pie to be exact.

Back then, rhubarb first caught my eye because of its color. Wow! Pink and red, very girly! Then I tasted it. Holy moly, delightful. It was love at first taste. This time of year I crave rhubarb. When I see it at the grocery store I buy as much as I can get my hands on. I bought some this past week but there wasn't enough for a pie - dang it! So, what to do? Ahhhhh....compote!

This compote is very simple. Rhubarb, sugar and honey - that's all. Put everything into a sauce pan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and allow mixture to cook until rhubarb softens and begins to break down.

Now what? Well, you could just eat all of this sweet, almost caramel-y compote by the spoonful. I almost did. Or, or....make vanilla bean ice cream and pour it on top. 


I'm not so patient, and this compote almost disappeared before the ice cream was made. However, my resolve did not waver, much, and delicious ice cream was made. 

To make the ice cream you'll need vanilla beans. Well, one vanilla bean for this recipe.

It also needs milk, cream, sugar, egg yolks and vanilla.

Make the custard and chill it for at least 6 hours or overnight. Freeze custard into ice cream according to your ice cream maker's direction and allow to harden in the freezer. 

Now, pour that compote on and enjoy. You will not be disappointed. And, you'll be glad your parents planted rhubarb when you were young. And I suppose you'll probably be able to tolerate the other things they also grew in the garden. 


Here are the recipes:
Rhubarb Compote
3 C chopped rhubarb
1/2 C granulated sugar
1/4 C honey

In a small sauce pan, combine all ingredients and bring to a boil. Stir ingredients, allowing sugar to dissolve. Reduce heat to medium-low and continue to cook until rhubarb is soft and falling apart - about 15-17 minutes. Serve warm compote over ice cream or allow to cool and serve with toast, scones, over pound cake or with greek yogurt.

Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
1 1/2 C milk
1 1/2 C heavy cream
1/2 C granulated sugar
3 egg yolks, beaten
1/2 t vanilla
1 vanilla bean
candy thermometer 
fine mesh strainer

Combine all ingredients (except vanilla bean) in a large sauce pan. Split vanilla bean length-wise, scrape seeds into milk mixture and place pods in milk mixture also. Stir. Using a candy thermometer, warm ingredients to 170℉. Strain mixture into a lidded container, rinse vanilla bean pods and replace into strained mixture. Refrigerate 6 hours or overnight. When you're ready to make your ice cream, remove vanilla bean pods. Freeze your ice cream according to your ice cream maker manufacturer's directions. Place in a freezer safe container and freeze for at least four hours. Enjoy!

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  1. this looks incredible! wow! I will have to bookmark this recipe! I am your newest follower and would love it if you would check out my blog and follow me too! Thanks!

  2. That rhubarb compote looks so great. Real vanilla beans and homemade ice cream are so much better. Thank you for linking up at Joy of Desserts.

  3. my husband would love this! Would love for you to link up at my Sweet Treats Party this weekend! Hope to see you there :)

  4. I'm featuring your recipe for Monday's post. :-)

  5. Delicious! I really need to get my hands on some vanilla beans.

    Thanks for linking up with Sweet Tooth Friday. I hope to see you again this week.

    P.S. I Stumbled your yummy recipe.
