Friday, June 17, 2011

Chew on This | Bacon Brownies

The Husband loves sweets. And bacon. And cheese. 

As a special treat, I thought I would make him some sweet, gooey brownies loaded with savory, salty bacon. A combination that would be certain to please. 

I was not mistaken.

Mix your brownie ingredients and pour half the batter into a prepared pan. Sprinkle your crispy, crumbly bacon over the mixture and then cover with the remaining batter. Bake, cool, cut and enjoy. 

Now, how to incorporate The Husband's third love, cheese.  Maybe a swirl of cream cheese? I'll be trying that next!


Here's the recipe:
Bacon Brownies

1/2 C vegetable oil
1 1/2 C sugar
2 t vanilla
4 eggs
1/2 t baking soda
2/3 C cocoa powder
1/2 t salt
1 C flour
2 t instant coffee/espresso granules
4-8 strips cooked, crumbled, crispy bacon

Preheat oven to 350℉. Prepare an 8x11" baking dish by lightly coating with cooking spray.

In a mixing bowl, combine oil and sugar. Stir until incorporated. Next, add your egg and vanilla, mixing until just blended.

In another bowl, sift together your baking soda, cocoa powder, salt and flour. Add your coffee granules and stir to incorporate.

Stir your wet and dry ingredients together then pour half of your brownie mixture into your prepared pan. Sprinkle your bacon onto the brownie mixture, then cover bacon with remaining batter.

Into the preheated oven for 30-35 minutes. When done, allow brownies to cool, slice and serve.

We've linked up to.....

Alli-n-Son's Sweet Tooth Friday
Sweet as Sugar Cookie's Sweets for a Saturday


  1. I would love for you to link this up at my blog Bacon Time with the Hungry Hungry Hypo.

    I have a link party that runs every Friday evening through Sunday night. Our first link up last week had over 300 links so I am doing a special give away this week for linkers. I also have some fabulous give aways you could enter too at my give away page. Hope to see you soon. You can find the button for the party at

  2. THERE's a combination I haven't thought of. I'll have to try this out.

  3. So yummy! I just posted my recipe for Maple Bacon Cupcakes on this week's Sweet Tooth Friday. Bacon and desserts, who knew it would be such a great combination.
