Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Chew on This | Mango Lassi Ice Pops

Mimi has been loving on mangoes with her mango salsa and I didn't want to miss out on all the fun. So, because they are delicious and because there was a wonderful sale, I bought a bunch of mangoes and went to town. Yum!

I had never tried a mango until about ten years ago when a co-worker of mine inundated a bunch of us and our clients with crates of mangoes. He and his family are from India and mangoes are abundant and much loved there. And giving the gift of mangoes is highly regarded - the gift of happiness and warmth.

My gift to the family today, finding happiness and warmth in a mango lassi ice pop. (That's all kinds of oxymoron going on right there....but we'll ignore that and press on for a delightful treat!)

Combine your ingredients into a blender and blend until smoooooooth. Pour into your popsicle making device of choice and freeze. Couldn't be easier!

The taste is tangy and sweet and very delicious! Enjoy!


Here's the recipe:

Mango Lassi Ice Pop
2 mangoes - diced
4 to 5 T plain yogurt
1 or 2 T honey
1 C ice
pinch of salt

Combine all ingredients in a blender and puree until smooth and creamy. Pour mixture into your popsicle molds or small Dixie cups. Insert handles or sticks (if using Dixie cups, cover cup opening first with plastic wrap and then poke stick through plastic to keep stick straight and upright) and place in the freezer. When pops are solid (about 2 hours), remove from molds and enjoy!

We've linked up to....

Foodie Wednesday



  1. I'm going to have to try this! Love mangos... I make smoothies from them often. I posted my smoothie recipe a couple of weeks ago, if you're interested:
    Thanks for sharing this quick 'n easy pop recipe, Cares. You may want to link up over at Smilesmonsters. Mrs. Smilemonster is doing a "One cool summer" link party all about popsicles! Fun!

  2. Yummy....just recently I developed love for mangoes.

    Thank you for linking it to Foodie Wednesday and hope you will come by next week and share more yummy recipes.

  3. My husband LOVES mango. I am going to have to make these! We are your newest followers! We would love for you to come share this at our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday" link party and enter our giveaway!!!

  4. My 2 kids LOVE mango lassi they just can't get enough of it. The idea of freezing it into ice pops sounds wonderful. I want to try it :)

  5. Deliciously easy and refreshing. Love it. Thank you for participating in Monday, Mmm ... Dessert. :-)
