Monday, November 1, 2010

Chew on This | Pears in Rum Cream

It's November 1st!  

You know what that means.  The holidays are approaching at lightening speed!  Yeow!

In the coming weeks we'll be featuring lots of recipes that we enjoy each year during the holiday season.  Our traditional fare.  
We'll also be putting a twist on a few holiday staples.  

Come back often to see what we've got cooking!  Cares and Mimi

Now, to kick start the holiday love, Mimi has prepared a beautiful pear dish you do not want to miss.  Without further ado....

Pears in rum cream...sounds really elegant and it's also very easy and oh, sooo delicious and different.

The sauce is so good you don’t even need the pears…oops, but you should eat your fruit!

This is what you will need to make Pears in Rum Cream:
Pears, butter, heavy cream, brown sugar, white sugar, vanilla (not shown), rum, cinnamon and nutmeg. 
Optional:  A sprinkle of toasted pecans and a dollop of whipped cream on the side.

Butter the baking dish and sprinkle in the brown sugar, white sugar, vanilla, and a dash of cinnamon.

Slice up the rest of the butter and dot the sugar with it.

If you're wanting an elegant dinner dessert, peel the pears, level the pear bottoms and stand them upright in the bottom of a pretty baking dish.  But if you just want to enjoy the awesome taste of rum cream pear as fast as you can, peel ‘em, core ‘em, and slice ‘em in half and put them sliced side down in all that good butter and sugar and head for the oven.

Bake for 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, in a medium size bowl, pour in the rich heavy cream, a dash of cinnamon, and grate in the nutmeg…add the rum…of course, you can’t forget the rum 'cause the rum is what makes you want to lick the spoon or the whole bowl.

Stir to blend and as soon as the pears have baked for 20 minutes, pour that scrumptious rum cream all over those hot pears.

See how happy the pears are now that the rum cream is joining them?
Tip the baking dish back and forth a few times (or use a spoon) to mix the cream with the sugar.
Return the pears to the oven for another 15-20 minutes. (The pears that are standing upright will need more time to become tender than the pears that are cut in half.) Check for tenderness.

All and bubbly...spoon some of the gooey rum cream over the pears and enjoy it
just like that or add a dollop of whip cream and a sprinkle of toasted pecans, or a scoop of ice cream...they're just plain yum with or without all the extras!

Pears in rum cream are really good for breakfast too…and don’t forget…they count as your fruit for the day!!


Here is the recipe:

Pears in Rum Cream

2 ½ T butter
2 T granulated sugar
2 T brown sugar
5 firm pears, peeled- see recipe below for elegant presentation
¾ cup heavy whipping cream
2 T vanilla
2 -3 T rum
Dash of cinnamon and nutmeg
Optional: a sprinkle of toasted and a dollop of whipped cream on the side

Rub bottom of a baking dish or pie pan with 1 T butter and sprinkle both white and brown sugar over the bottom. Add a dash of cinnamon and splash 2 T of vanilla over the sugar.  Cut the remaining butter and dot over the sugar.  Place peeled, cored, and sliced pears cut side down in your prepared baking dish or pan.  For a more elegant presentation, cut the bottom of the peeled pears to level them and place upright on the butter and sugar..

Bake at 350 for 20 minute.  Remove from oven.  Mix cream, a dash of cinnamon and nutmeg, and the rum together and pour over  the pears.  Tilt dish back and forth to mix with the sugar or stir it around with a spoon.

Bake pears 15 minutes or until pears are tender.
Sprinkle the finished dish with toasted pecans.  Can be served with ice cream, whipping cream, or alone with lots of the rum sauce.

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