Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Pied Piper | My Cousin, Lady Penelope

'ello loves!

That's how my cousin, Lady Penelope, greets us.

She's British, a true blue blood and quite a proper lady.  She was born in Manchester, England and crossed the pond, all by herself!  She used to walk the cobblestone streets of England and now she walks the warm sandy beaches in Florida with Darlene and Kris.
That's one lucky dog!

Lady Penelope (Penny - as we call her) said she is a King Charles Spaniel, or was King Charles' spaniel, I couldn't quite understand with the accent and all...anyway, I think there's royalty in her blood somewhere!

Even though Penny has been here for a few years now she still queues for her
treats -  which she calls biscuits.

And, because of that royal blood, knows if there is a pea hidden under her mattress.

She prefers lifts to steps.  Fortum and Mason to Harrod's.  And going to the "loo" versus going "potty".

Penny is such a lady!  She has such style and such grace.  But there is one thing I find quite strange about Penny -  it's the way she helps with the dishes.

Dearest Lady Penelope - how very fine you are!  

Piped Piper

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