Monday, January 3, 2011

Chew on This | Green Cheese Soup

Happy New Year!  
How has 2011 been treating you so far, three days in?  Good?  Great?  Same old stuff dressed in new year packaging?

Well, Mimi and I are preparing ourselves for BIG things this year!  We have lots of goals (dreams really) that we're stalking and going to turn into reality.  We're shooting BIG!  What about you?

We figure, every day is a new opportunity - so no matter what happened yesterday - you can always refocus, recharge and jump for your dreams, again, today!

And on that note - let us begin the New Year with something quite healthy - but totally delicious!
Was eating healthier in 2011 a goal for you?  Well, this soup is a good place to start!
It's warm and delicious.  Totally filling and healthy.  
Now, don't fret.  Mimi and I have not sworn off sweets and hearty foods - it's part of who we are!  We just wanted to kick off 2011 with a super yummy soup that just happens to be healthy!

This soups looks lovely doesn't it?  Strange name, right?

Well, there's a method to my madness.

My sweet children are not too keen for broccoli.  I have no idea where they get this from....
However.  I did not let this deter me from feeding these little stinkers something healthy, warm and very delicious.  Disguised as full on cheese, albeit green, soup!

Green Cheese Soup is just creamy broccoli soup - without the cream.  

Yes, it's true!  And, with just a sprinkling of cheese.  
Totally nutritious and wonderfully yummy.

Start with some fresh broccoli.

Saute some chopped onion and garlic in a few tablespoons of olive oil until soft.  Grate some nutmeg over the onions and garlic.  Take a whiff.  When that nutmeg hits the warm onions - yeow - goodness!

Add chicken broth and broccoli and....oats.  

What?  Huh?  Oats.  
This is where our creamy-without-the-cream comes from!

But first, we must allow all of this to come to a boil, then lower the heat and simmer until the 
broccoli is tender.

When the broccoli is done - it's time to blend.  I pureed mine with my stick blender (thanks to my lovely sister).  If you don't have a stick blender you can use a regular blender or a food processor.  Blend in small batches until all of the broccoli has been pureed.

Add salt and pepper to taste.  And sprinkle just a small (or large) amount of cheese as garnish.
That's it! 

My kids practically lick their bowls when eating Green Cheese Soup!  And yes, the jig is up.  They know they're eating broccoli soup now.  But they are kind enough to still play along with me.  
Sweet babies!

You will not believe how creamy and delicious this soup is.  Enjoy!


Here's the recipe:

Green Cheese Soup
(aka: Creamy Broccoli Soup
adapted from Everyday Food)

1-2 T olive oil
1 medium onion, diced
1 T crushed garlic
1/4 t ground nutmeg
4 cups chicken broth
1 cup water
1/2 cup oats
2-3 large stalks of broccoli, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 cup grated cheddar, parmesan or gruyere cheese, for garnish

Warm olive oil in a large sauce pan over medium heat.  Add diced onion and cook until soft.  Add garlic and blend.  Grate nutmeg over onion and garlic.

Now add your chicken broth, water, oats and broccoli.  Add salt and pepper.  Bring to a boil and then reduce heat to simmer.  Simmer until broccoli is just tender.

Puree soup in a blender, food processor or with a stick blender until smooth.  Serve soup garnished with grated cheese of your choice.

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