Friday, February 18, 2011

Chew on This | Overnight French Toast

Are you ready for a lazy, long weekend?  You know the kind.  A sleeping-in weekend.  A staying-in- pajamas-the-majority-of-the-day weekend.  Watching movies, playing board games, listening to groovy music, looking through old pictures, kind of lazy weekend.  Doesn't it sound slow and comfortable and so lovely?  Wouldn't you love to eat something delicious that doesn't cramp your lazy weekend style?

Here it is.  Overnight French Toast.  Just a small amount of preparation the night before - and you're golden the next morning.  Let the laziness commence!

The toast portion.  Day old loaf of French bread, eggs, vanilla, sugar and milk.

Slice your bread into pretty one inch slices and place in your baking dish.  Or do as I did and cube up your bread and toss it, lovingly, into the baking dish.

Whisk together your eggs, vanilla, sugar and milk.  Pour egg mixture over your bread and turn bread to coat completely.  Cover with plastic wrap and put into the refrigerator overnight.

Your topping.  Butter, brown sugar, oats, flour and cinnamon.

Combine ingredients until they look like a coarse crumbs.  Place crumbs into a plastic bag and into the refrigerator that goes too.  

Good morning lazy weekend.  Let's start you off right!  Preheat your oven and take your baking dish out of the refrigerator - let the chill off.  Add your cream cheese.

Also, add your topping over the entire dish.  Yum!  Bake at 350 ℉ approximately 30-40 minutes.  

Carefully take the baking dish out of the oven and add your sliced strawberries and/or raspberries.  Back into the oven for an additional 5-10 minutes. Your French Toast is done when it is puffed up and lightly browned.

Once out of the oven, let the French Toast set for a few minutes.  Then spoon onto a plate, drizzle with maple syrup and try not to woof it down too quickly.  Remember, it's a lazy weekend.  Slow and comfortable is the motto here.  Plus, you have a huge baking dish of goodness to eat throughout the morning.  Enjoy!

Here's the recipe:
Overnight French Toast

1 loaf, day old French bread (or several days old)
3 eggs
1 T sugar
1 t vanilla
2 1/4 cups milk

1/4 cup flour
1/3 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup oats
1 t cinnamon
1/2 stick butter, cold and cubed

4 ounces cream cheese
1 cup raspberries or sliced strawberries

Lightly spray a 9x13 inch baking dish with cooking spray.  Diagonally cut bread into one inch slices (or cube bread) and place in baking dish.  In a bowl whisk together eggs, sugar, vanilla and milk.  Pour egg mixture over the bread.  Turn bread slices over to coat completely.  Cover baking dish with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator overnight.

For topping, combine flour, brown sugar, oats, cinnamon and cubed butter in a bowl.  Mix with your hands, forks or in a food processor until ingredients resemble coarse crumbs.  Place topping into a plastic bag and put into the refrigerator until needed in the morning.

The next morning preheat your oven to 350℉.  Take baking dish out of refrigerator and turn bread one last time.  Cut cream cheese into small pieces and scatter over your bread.  Next, take your topping and pour evenly over the bread and cream cheese.  Place baking dish in the oven and bake for 30-40 minutes.  Take baking dish out of the oven and add your raspberries and/or strawberries over the top of toast.  Bake an additional 5-10 minutes.

When finished, remove from oven, let the toast set for about 5 minutes.  Cut and serve with maple syrup.

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1 comment:

  1. To die for! I LOVE this! Wishing I could have some right now...
