Friday, February 11, 2011

Chew on This | Sweet Treats for your Valentine

Valentine's Day is Monday.  I love Valentine's.  For many reasons.  Mostly though, I love Valentine's because that's the way I was trained up by Mimi.  Valentine's Day is Mimi's most favorite holiday of all.

When I was young, Mimi would always decorate our dining room full of red and pink hearts, old Valentine's cards from us kids, family and friends and also with pretty paper-chains.  When we were older Mimi started letting my sister and me decorate. It was a formal room and I could never believe that she was letting us run amuck with the tape, slapping stuff up on the walls and across the ceiling.  The room always looked so precious - at least that's what I thought.  And Mimi agrees with me, to this day, that the room never look finer than during Valentine's.

When my sister and I would get home from school on Valentine's Day, we would be surprised with a special gift waiting for us.  Truly, I was surprised by this every year. I never expected any gift, besides sweets, on Valentine's Day.  Mimi always caught me off guard with these gifts (I wasn't too quick on the pick-up, wouldn't you say?).  

Most often we would get a brand new spring/summer outfit or new bathing suits.  Reminding us that warmer weather was actually coming, sometime. One year we got a VHS player, before any of our friends had one!  We thought we were so very cool!  My grandparents and aunt even came over for treats and a slumber party and we watched movies all night long - literally.  Such an awesome memory!

When I was seven my Dad surprised all of us on Valentine's with a trip to San Francisco.  Stunned doesn't even begin to describe it!  He was so pleased that he surprised Mimi - on her favorite day.  It's a trip I remember very clearly and very fondly.

Every gesture, no matter how big or small, always seemed so grand because it was always such a wonderful Valentine surprise.  

These days, with my own family, I find myself trying to emulate much of what my family did for me and my sister on Valentine's Day.  My littles are always surprised to wake up to a decorated kitchen and come home to a special gift. And always, a special Valentine's sweet.

Do you have any Valentine's traditions?  Is this a lovey-dovey day for you or is Valentine's a non-holiday in your book?  Whatever the case may be, Valentine's is a great excuse to have a delicious treat!  I've listed a few here for your convenience....enjoy!


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