Friday, March 4, 2011

Chew on This | Overnight Layered Salad

The snow here has become boring.  Oh, excuse me.  We don't say the word boring in our house.  It doesn't sound nice.  Let me then re-phrase.

The snow here has become not interesting.  

I need some color.  Some pizazz.  A rainbow.  Unicorns.  Wait, I don't need unicorns.  Unicorns would be totally interesting, but not necessary.  This Overnight Layered Salad is necessary.  It's bright and colorful.  Crunchy and filling.  Super delicious.  This salad looks like summer.  And making this salad will give me a little glimpse into the warmth to come, in four months.

I was reminded of this layered goodness when my friend Mandy Jo had a bunch of us ladies and our broods over to play this past summer.  She made this yummy salad and I was warped back into the olden days.  Okay, maybe it was the 80's.  Anyhoo, I hadn't had this salad in years and years.  Mimi used to make this salad often and when I mentioned Mandy's she was instantly off to find her recipe to make her own.

Your options are endless when it comes to ingredients.  Use what you have and what you love to eat.  Since I was in need of color, I chose romaine, yellow pepper, purple onion, peas, red pepper, celery, shredded cheddar and bacon.

First layer, romaine.  Then add another layer - yellow pepper.

Purple onion.  


Red pepper.  Wow, that's bright!

Peas please.

And your dressing.  There are lots of different versions of dressing to use on this salad.  I think my option is pretty darn good.  Sour cream, plain yogurt and a tiny bit of sugar.  Mix it up and plop it on.

Add your shredded cheese.  Cover with plastic wrap and into the refrigerator it goes.  I didn't add my bacon yet.  I want it to be crispy, so I added it just before tossing the whole salad.

Ahhhh.  24 hours later. Or in my case, 4 hours later.  I couldn't wait a second longer.  Bacon added - check.  Let's toss, making sure to coat the dressing evenly throughout.

Time to eat a rainbow!


Here's the recipe:

Overnight Layered Salad

1 head romaine lettuce, washed and chopped
1 yellow pepper, diced
1/2 large purple onion, diced
2 stalks celery, chopped
1 red pepper, diced
1 cup frozen peas
3/4 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese
6 slices cooked bacon, crumbled

1/2 cup sour cream
1/4 cup plain yogurt (or mayonnaise)
2 t sugar

Wash and prepare all vegetables.  Cook bacon until crispy, crumble and set aside.  In a large bowl begin layering your vegetables starting with your lettuce.  Next add your yellow pepper, purple onion, celery, red pepper and frozen peas.

Mix together your dressing ingredients and spoon over your pea layer.  Sprinkle your shredded cheddar cheese around the dressing, cover bowl with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator overnight (or, if you can't wait, a minimum of four hours).  Cover your crumbled bacon and place in the refrigerator overnight as well.

When ready to serve, place crumbled bacon on top of salad and toss to coat dressing all over vegetables.  Yum!

You can substitute/add any vegetables or items that tickle your fancy!  Add tomatoes, kidney beans, chick peas, feta cheese, steamed french beans, roasted asparagus, banana peppers, broccoli, beets....the list goes on and on.  Enjoy!!


  1. Yumm-o!!! I love this salad.


  2. Wow, that looks delicious. I love all the bright color.
