Monday, April 4, 2011

Chew on This | Raspberry Mojito

Nice way to start a Monday, with drinks!

So, how was your weekend? Mine was full. And no, posting this scrumptious and lovely drink today is not an indication of how the weekend unfolded. It is not posted here on a Monday morning because of a need for the 'hair-of-the-dog'. Or even for the thought of kicking off the week by 'startin' early'. No, this mojito will be an excellent accompaniment to a few recipes we'll be posting later this week. The spicy and sweet kind. The south of the border kind. Yum.

And anyway, it's appropriate drinking time somewhere in this gorgeous world. Why not.

Start off by muddling raspberries, mint and some sugar in the bottom of a pretty glass. Muddling bruises the mint, releasing the oil and creating a lovely minty aroma. Muddling also crushes the raspberries and helps to dissolve the sugar. Yum. 

Now that you have a nice slurry of mint raspberry sugar goodness, add your liquids. Rum, Chambord, club soda and a splash of lime juice. Ice. Stir it up. Garnish with some raspberries and a sprig of mint.  

Drink. Repeat.


Here's the recipe:

Raspberry Mojito
(one large serving or two smaller servings)

mint leaves - 3 per glass, ripped into smaller pieces
raspberries - 2 to muddle and more for garnish
1/2 t sugar
1 ounce rum
1 T Chambord (or other raspberry liqueur)
4 ounces club soda
splash of lime juice

In an eight ounce glass, muddle (bruise to release flavor) mint leaves, raspberries and sugar until sugar is dissolved. Add your rum, Chambord, club soda and ice. Stir and stir. Squeeze in a wedge of lime and garnish with more raspberries and a sprig of mint. Enjoy!


  1. Um yum! Why u holding out on me? Should've called me over to enjoy this beautiful yummy beverage. Mmmm!


  2. that looks so good!

    thank you so much for joining last friday's cocktail party, too. i'm having another one go live tomorrow. i hope you'll join!

  3. Great cocktail. How about linking this in to Food on Friday: Cocktails and Mocktails? Hope you have a nice week.

    PS I am signing on as a follower. It would be great if you followed me back.
