Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Who Knew? How To...Fizzy Bath Biscuits

Linking up to.....How-To tuesday! Welcome!

Splish, splash, I can't wait to take my bath...and it will be a luxurious bath tonight. Which soothing fragrance will it be? Calming lavender or relaxing rose? Decisions, decisions. Either one will float me in the direction I want to go, soothe my body as well as my soul.

Since the day my oldest gave me my first bath fizzy (from Lush in Boston), I've wanted more.  I can't go to Boston every time I want a bath so today Cares and I made our own! 

Making the fizzy bath biscuits was fun and easy.  However, finding one ingredient, the citric acid, was a challenge. We searched and searched and we did finally find it at Whole Foods! Yippee! You can also buy citric acid in bulk online. We wanted to make our fizzies today so Whole Foods was the way we went.

The ingredients you will need to make your own fizzy bath biscuits are: baking soda, citric acid, food coloring, skin-safe fragrance (essential) oil (we used lavender and rose), and oil (like olive or almond oil - we used sunflower oil).  You will also need a spray bottle filled with water and rubber gloves are optional.

In a large bowl combine the citric acid and baking soda thoroughly. Next add in your choice of fragrance (essential) oil, oil and food coloring. We made two batches on this day, one lavender and one rose. For our rose bath biscuits we used 5 drops of red food color for a light pink. For our lavender biscuits, we used 5 drops of blue and 3 drops of red food color.

Your concoction will fizz a little when you drop in the food coloring, that's normal.  With your gloves on, mix thoroughly. It helps to break up the color drops to distribute the color evenly.  Some color speckles will not break down - totally normal. 

Next, add two or three spritzes of water into the bowl. Rub the mix between your palms. You're adding the sprays of water to coax the mixture into a consistency that will pack together, but not be wet. 

We used a total of 13 spritzes in all - but your number will depend on the humidity, texture of the mix and the number of drops used of food color and fragrance oil. When the mix packs easily, but still doesn't feel wet, it's time to mold them.  

We used a stainless steel 1/4 measuring cup. You can use whatever funky-shaped thing you have on hand to mold your fizzies, but the stainless steel worked great! Press your mixture into the mold - the firmer the better. Then flip the mold upside down and tap a few times.  Wa-la! Fizzy Bath Biscuits!

Put the molded biscuits on a tray to dry overnight.  You can use one of them immediately if you want, but don't wrap them for gifts or store them for later use, until they are fully dry.

Gift yourself, or someone you love, and I am sure serenity and happiness will abound. 

(recipe adapted from Excellent Living Guide and eHow)

Here is the recipe:
Fizzy Bath Biscuits

1 cup baking soda
1/2 cup citric acid (sour salt)
1 t oil, almond, olive oil, grapeseed oil (we used sunflower oil)
1/4 t of essential oil (we used lavender oil for one recipe and rose oil for our second recipe)
5 drops red food coloring for a pale rose color, or  5 drops blue and 3 drops red for a pale lavender color
12-13 sprays of water from a spray bottle
bath biscuit mold-we used a 1/4 cup stainless steel measuring cup
Optional - rubber gloves, we used them when mixing 

In a large bowl combine, baking soda and citric acid.  Mix until thoroughly combined.

Add in 1 t of oil, 1/4 t of the essential fragrance oil and the desired drops of food coloring. 
Rub the mix between your palms.  It helps to break up the color drops, to distribute the color evenly.  Some speckles will appear and this is normal.

Next, using your spray bottle, spritz two or three sprays of water into the mix, and rub the mix between your palms. Keep spritzing and mixing until your mix has reached a packable consistency. We used 13 sprays for each batch we made and the biscuits came out great. The number of spritzes you will need will depend on the texture of your mix, humidity and how many drops of food coloring and fragrance you used. Be cautious.

When the bath biscuit mix packs easily, it's time to mold them. We used a 1/4 cup stainless steel measuring cup. It worked great! Pack firmly. The firmer, the better.  Flip the mold upside down and tap a few times and biscuit should slide right out.  

Put the finished fizzy bath biscuits on a tray to dry overnight.  If you can't wait to use one-go
for it, they are just going to get wet anyway.  

Note: You should not wrap them for a gift or store them for later use until they are fully dry.  Enjoy!


  1. Awesome! I had no idea how easy making them could be.

  2. These are beautiful! I could use a relaxing bath. And I have daughters. Thanks

  3. Wow, these are so beautiful! I love that you can just use a measuring cup--this is a really cool idea. I'll have to try them. Thanks!

  4. How many did this recipe make? Did I miss that somewhere? These are fabulous!
