Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Who Knew? How To...Marshmallow Peeps

Welcome! We're linking up....


I'm kind of on a marshmallow kick these days. Marshmallows, I love. Marshmallow Peeps? Well, I have a house full of Peeps lovers. Me, I love Peeps soaking in my hot chocolate. But I am so in love with my version of the famous peep. They're fun to make and will put a smile on everyone's face for sure! And they'll make a great Easter/Spring time treat.

For this project you'll need:
unflavored gelatin, water, granulated sugar, corn syrup, salt, vanilla, food coloring, candy thermometer, cookie sheet, cooking spray, powdered sugar and cookie cutters (what ever shapes tickle your fancy), one re-sealable gallon bag and some paper towels. 

Start by combining, in the bowl of a stand mixer, unflavored gelatin and some cold water. Set a side.

In a small sauce pan, mix together sugar, corn syrup, cold water and some salt. Place on the stove top and heat. Using a candy thermometer, allow the sugar mixture to reach 240℉. Once temperature has been reached, start the stand mixer on low and pour the hot sugar mixture down the side of the bowl into the gelatin/water (which by this time has congealed in the bottom of the bowl). Turn up the mixer speed to high and let the marshmallow begin to puff up over the next 12-15 minutes.

While the mixer is beating away, prepare your pan. I used a 9x13 inch cookie sheet, sprayed it lightly with non-stick cooking spray and then coated the pan with powdered sugar. 

Also, about 12 minutes into the beating process I added some vanilla. And, this is when you would add in any food coloring to achieve that Peep-like whimsy. I forgot to do this with my first batch. Thus, an unintended second batch of marshmallow was made (not crying to hard over that mistake) in a beautiful light buttercup yellow color. 

Below is a picture of my first batch of marshmallow. This is the consistency your marshmallow should reach after 15 minutes of high speed beating. Marshmallow fluff consistency. 

Spray a spatula with cooking spray and pour the marshmallow onto your prepared pan. Smooth the marshmallow out with your spatula. Then lightly coat the top of the marshmallow with some powdered sugar.

Allow the marshmallow to set up for about 4 hours or more. Now you're ready to cut your shapes and douse with sugar. I found these cute bunny and chick cookie cutters in the back of my cupboard. How perfect.

Dip your cutter into some powdered sugar, to keep it from getting too sticky, and cut away. Any left over scraps are perfect for hot chocolate or your mouth.

So, we coated these babies with powdered sugar so that we could get them cut and out of the pan. Now we need to moisten them up, slightly, so that we can get the granulated sugar to stick on them - like a real Peep

First, pour about a cup of sugar into a re-sealable gallon bag. Next, take your paper towel (or even a dish towel would work) and wet with water. Dab the cut out marshmallow onto the wet towel and place into a gallon bag and shake gently to coat. Place the sugar coated marshmallow onto a cookie sheet to dry.  

I made these last year at Easter time and the kids went crazy for them. So this Easter would not be the same without some more.

Embellish these yummies however you deem fit. I used some edible decorator pearls to make simple eyes, but the possibilities are only limited by your imagination. Enjoy!


Marshmallow Recipe
(adapted from Alton Brown)

3 packages unflavored gelatin
1 C cold water, divided
1 1/2 C granulated sugar
1 cup light corn syrup
1/4 t salt
1/4 cup powdered sugar
Non-stick spray
food coloring
9x13" cookie sheet

Pour the three packages of gelatin into the bowl of a stand mixer. Add 1/2 cup of the cold water. Set aside while preparing the sugar mixture.

In a small sauce pan,  combine the rest of your water, sugar, corn syrup and salt. Place pan over medium high heat and cook until the mixture reaches 240℉ according to a candy thermometer. Remove pan from the heat once temperature is reached.
While waiting for the sugar mixture to reach 240℉, prepare your pan. Do this by lightly spraying a cookie sheet with non-stick spray. Dust the cookie sheet completely with about 1/8 cup of powdered sugar.
When sugar syrup reaches 240℉, start the mixer on low speed, breaking up the now congealed gelatin mixture, and slowly pour the sugar syrup down the side of the bowl into the gelatin. Once you've added all of the syrup, increase the speed to high. Whip until the mixture becomes very thick, approximately 12 to 15 minutes. Add your vanilla and optional food coloring during the last few minutes of whipping. 
Pour the fluffed marshmallow mixture into the prepared pan. Use a lightly oiled spatula or knife to spread the marshmallow evenly into the pan. Sprinkle the top of the marshmallow with enough of the remaining sugar to lightly cover the marshmallow. 
Let the marshmallow set for about 4 hours or more. Cut into shapes with cookie cutters or squares! Enjoy!

We've linked up to Sweet as Sugar Cookie's Sweets for Saturday!


Alli n Son's Sweet Tooth Friday


  1. I'm impressed. Not even one time in my life have I considered making homemade marshmallows. This looks cute though. I might have to consider it now.

  2. These are darling....let's see, can I make herbal marshmallows? Hmmm. I have a couple of "peeps" lovers in my family...thanks.

  3. I have never tried making marshmallow anything, but this looks totally doable! I am SO making these. Awesome.

  4. You are totally awesome! I will file this one away for future use. I bet you could use colored sugar, too. What fun! Love this.

  5. I'm completely intimidated by making marshmallow! Yours look awesome though - what a great idea!

  6. Totally cute! You rocked it!!!

  7. Love this! Peeps aren't just for Easter anymore.

    I'd like to invite you to share this recipe on my linky, Sweet Tooth Friday. I hope to see you there. http://alli-n-son.com/2011/04/14/chocolate-birds-nests/

  8. How cute! I made some peeps too but mine were piped out of a bag. I think that I like yours better :)

  9. wow, i had no idea but i am totally going to try this!! thanks so much for sharing!!

  10. i'm so excited about this i reposted it on my blog!! wow, these look great!

  11. These are super adorable. <3 I definitely want to try these out.

  12. They look amazing! I love peeps, have to wait a bit to eat them, I love them stale :)
