Friday, May 6, 2011

Chew on This | Mint Julep

I don't find myself having a drink so very often. I do like alcohol, beer and fun mixed cocktails (um, hello margarita - on the rocks, no salt). But I don't really have a need to drink wine or other spirits with my evening meals. Not even, usually, on the weekends. 

Yet, I've been sampling bourbon some lately (Mimi and I have been using it in some recipes) and I find that I'm kinda smitten. It's warm, smooth, mellow and delicious. So, in honor of that grand 137th Kentucky Derby that takes place this Saturday - a nod and a cheers to the Mint Julep!

Glasses, mint and muddler.

Ice, simple syrup.

Bourbon. Mint garnish. Stir....mmmmm good!

"...Weep no more, my lady,
Oh weep no more today!
We will sing one song for the old Kentucky home,
For the old Kentucky home far away."


Here's the recipe:
Mint Julep
(makes one drink)
2 ounces bourbon
1 T simple syrup (1 C water and 1 C sugar, simmered in a pan until sugar dissolves, cooled)
8 mint leaves plus one mint sprig

Rip your mints leaves into pieces and muddle in the bottom of your glass. Add ice to fill glass and then pour your simple syrup over your ice. Mix. Finally, add your bourbon, stir briskly and top with your mint sprig for garnish. Enjoy!

We've linked up to...Happy Home Blog for the Friday Cocktail Party

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