Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Chew on This | Pulled Pork Sliders

Do you ever find yourself making the same dish over and over again?  Last winter I, not being a big ham eater, made a delicious Peach Glazed Ham every five minutes.  Seriously.  Anytime we had people over - Peach Glazed Ham.  Sunday dinner - Peach Glazed Ham.  Potluck dinner - Peach Glazed Ham.  I could probably make this ham in my sleep.

Presently, and for the last six months, my go to dish has been Pulled Pork Sliders.  This recipe takes very little thought and effort.  Though certainly your effort is not considered thoughtless.  I have served these sandwiches every chance I could get. What's amazing, just like with the Peach Glazed Ham, no one has complained of having these yummy, yummy sandwiches too often.  Score for me!  

This is where we start.  A beautiful piece of pork shoulder.  This one was about 5 lbs.
Season the meat with flourish.  Really be liberal.  Don't hesitate.  No slight of hand.  Pour and rub it on like there's no tomorrow.

These are the spices I chose this time around.  I always use garlic powder, salt and pepper.  Beyond that, it's just a matter of what I have on hand that will make a tasty rub.

Into a slow cooker, beef broth and Worcestershire sauce. 

Then place your pork shoulder into the slow cooker too.  Cook for 8-9 hours on low. Your house will smell divine.

While the pork is cooking, you can make these homemade rolls to serve your delicious pulled pork upon.

Oh. My. Gracious. These rolls have been a staple at our house too.  I cannot stop making them.  Yeasty, warm good.  

When your pork is done, carefully remove from the slow cooker. Place on a cookie sheet, and using two forks, shred the meat. Load meat onto your roll, cover with sauce and chow down!


Here's the recipe:
Pulled Pork Sliders
4-5 lb. pork shoulder
3 T garlic powder
1 T salt
2 t pepper
2 t seasoned salt
1 C beef broth
1/4 C worcestershire sauce

Remove pork shoulder from packaging and pat dry. In a bowl, combine all dry seasonings. Rub dry seasonings over all sides of the pork shoulder. If necessary, make more seasoning mix to cover pork completely. Set aside.

Into a small, microwave safe bowl, pour the beef broth and worcestershire sauce together. Cook in the microwave, on high, for 1 minute. Pour mixture into the slow cooker basin and then gently place your pork into the liquid. Cover and cook on low for 8-9 hours.

*While pork is cooking, make your homemade rolls using this wonderful recipe. Or use store bought!

When pork is ready, carefully remove from the slow cooker onto a cookie sheet. Using two forks, shred your meat and season with more salt and pepper if necessary. Pile the meat onto your roll, cover with sauce and enjoy!

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  1. Okay, now I want this for dinner.

  2. I can totally see why you'd make this over and over. It looks delicious. Why mess with a good thing? Right? Thanks so much for stopping by to share a recipe :) Have a blessed day.

  3. Yummo! I'm not a pulled pork person but this looks great!
