Friday, June 10, 2011

Chew on This | Retro Bugle Dip

We celebrate many birthdays in June. This year there have been parties, small and large, already going on now for weeks. We're having a lot of fun! And eating....a lot.

One appetizer I served during all of this revelry was Bugle Dip, a retro family favorite. It's a recipe that gets stored away for years at a time and then when we bring it back we wonder why we haven't had it sooner. This simple recipe dates circa 1970-something, at least in our family. I've tried to find a similar recipe online to give a reference, but there is nothing exactly like it. So, I'll call it our family Retro Bugle Dip.

To start, you'll need to soften two bars of cream cheese. Next, place two beef bullion cubes in a microwave safe bowl, with 1 or 2 teaspoons of water. Microwave on high for 20-30 seconds. You want to soften the bullion cubes so they can be smooshed (high tech terminology), crumbled and turned into a paste-like mixture.

Just like this.

Now you need to 'pulp' an onion. This can be done with a grater or in a food processor. 

This is what you're looking for. Pulpy, liquidy onion.

Mix the pasted beef bullion and pulped onion with the two bars of softened cream cheese. Mix thoroughly and refrigerate for about two hours to meld flavors. When you're ready to serve, bowl the dip and open a bag of Original Bugles. Eat up people, it's an awesome retro ride!


Here's the recipe:
Retro Bugle Dip

2 eight ounce packages of softened cream cheese
2 beef bullion cubes
1-2 t water
1/3-1/2 C pulped sweet onion (one medium onion)
1 bag Original Bugles

In a medium bowl, allow cream cheese to soften. 

In another small, microwave-safe bowl, combine the bullion cubes with water and microwave on high for 20-30 seconds or until bullion cubes are soft. With a fork, smoosh (high tech terminology) the bullion cubes until they become paste-like.

Next, pulp your onion on a grater or in a food processor. You'll need enough pulped onion to equal 1/3 to 1/2 cup. 

Finally, combine pulped onion and bullion with the softened cream cheese. Mix thoroughly and refrigerate for up to two hours to meld flavors. Serve dip with bugles - enjoy!

We've linked up to...

Recipe Round Up



  1. Your Retro Bugle Dip sounds great! Thanks for the recipe :-)

  2. What a tasty looking dip recipe. Thanks for coming by to share! Have a great weekend.

  3. We have a similar recipe in our family. We use cream cheese, onion, sour cream, and dried beef. Then we bake it. Oh it's sooooo good.
    Thanks for sharing

  4. We have a similar recipe in our family. Dates back to the same time. We use cream cheese, sour cream, onion, and dried beef. We then bake it. Oh it's soooo good.
    Thanks for sharing!
