Thursday, October 13, 2011

Chew on This | Baked Alaska

We had a sunny and warm stretch of weather here at the end of last week and through the weekend. After days and days of rain it was lovely to be reacquainted with my shadow again. It streaked long across the driveway while Trudie sloshed happily in the soggy grass. We waved to one another and then contemplated our next move.

Something sweet was in order. This glorious, sunny day demanded it. Though my shadow was not willing to dismiss me indoors so quickly. Not to worry dear shadow, this one is quick.

Baked Alaska makes such grand entrance looking so interesting and torched. Cut into the Alaska and you could be presented with a hodgepodge of delicious ingredients. A cake-like layer. An ice cream layer. Toasty meringue. Geez, the sun is fading, let's get to it!

I had made some boxed brownies that looked a little sad and lonely and decided that they would be my Alaska base. I cut them to fit an 8x8" pan lined with parchment paper.

Next, a pint of amazing salted caramel ice cream smeared atop the brownies. Put it in the freezer for a good two hours. Back outside to hang with the family, dog and shadow. Good times.

Then inside quickly to make the meringue. Retrieve the Alaska base from the freezer and cover with the meringue. Now, torch it!

Present an amazing sweet treat. Rejoice with my family, dog and shadow that such a glorious day has come to be. 


Here's our recipe:
Baked Alaska

Brownies (or cake, pound cake, angel food cake), one layer to fit an 8x8" pan
1 pint ice cream, your flavor of choice, softened
1 recipe meringue
8x8" pan

Line your 8x8" pan with parchment paper. Place enough brownie into the bottom of the pan to fill in one layer. Spread your softened ice cream atop your brownie layer. Cover pan with plastic wrap and place into the freezer for at least two hours.

*Preheat oven to 425℉.

Prepare your meringue (recipe below).

Remove pan from freezer and pull Alaska base out of pan. Peel off parchment paper and place base on a cookie sheet. Cover Alaska base with your prepared meringue and place in the oven for 5-8 minutes or until meringue lightly browns. Remove from oven quickly. Serve and enjoy!

*I used a kitchen torch to brown my meringue. If you have one, go for it! Place torch on high and sweep the flame over the meringue, about 2-3 inches away from surface, until you've reached the lightly browned color you desire.

5 egg whites
pinch of salt
1/3 C granulated sugar

In a mixing bowl, beat your egg whites and salt on medium speed until frothy. Turn your mixer speed up to high and slowly stream your granulated sugar into the egg whites. Continue to beat on high until stiff peaks form.

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