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Friday, February 20, 2015

Chew on This | PB & J Pancakes (gluten-free)

What goes perfectly with a frigid cold morning, a day off of school, and two hungry kids? Pancakes, of course. 

I tried out this gluten-free version the other day and am happy to report favorable reviews. Though not as fluffy as regular pancakes, these PB&J cakes are flavorful, healthy, and simple to make.



Here's our recipe:

PB & J Pancakes (gluten-free)

1/4 C peanut butter, slightly warmed
2 bananas, mashed
4 eggs
1/2 t baking powder

your favorite fruit compote or jam, slightly warmed
maple syrup

In a large mixing bowl, whisk together your peanut butter, bananas, eggs, and baking powder. Heat a non-stick skillet over medium-low heat. Pour an eighth of a cup of batter onto the warmed skillet. Flip pancake when ready and cook the other side for about a minute. Serve pancakes immediately - spoon fruit compote, or jam, that has been warmed, over the pancakes. Maple syrup is a delicious choice as well. Enjoy!

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