Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pied Piper | Baby Puppy

Sweet Trudie Baby Puppy.

Fuzzy belly.  Puppy breath.

And look....the kissing spot on her nose.

Precious sleeping girl.

First bath.  Awwww.....

She looks so angelic, doesn't she?
Oh my, yes! 

See the sparkling halo that's....ahem, a bit tilted to one side.

This is Trudie at five months.  Not her first time to the vet for something 
other then a check up. 

This is however, her first time wearing a lovely cone collar.  

She didn't mind wearing it.

Ummm, yes.  She's a total ding dong.


Do her eyes say, "Please help me."  
Or do they say, "Geez Mom, not another picture....okay, maybe one more."

I'm not sure.

And this.  Pretty cute huh?

Well, this begins in an innocent fashion.

Baby puppy takes The Boy's bib.  Hee hee hee.
Yes, this Boy's bib.

It seems kind of natural for a pup to want to share something that may 
have milk or food on it.
Not so strange.

But what about when Trudie got ahold of The Sprite's Barbie doll and chewed it up? 
Pillar of the community, right?

I kind of freaked when she did this.  Barbie's got some metal in those parts.  Probably not the best thing for a dog to eat.  I called the veterinary hospital and quickly told the lady that answered the phone our plight.

"My dog Trudie has just chewed the legs off my daughter's Barbie doll.  It looks like there's some bendy metal in there and of course the plastic leg parts she's eaten.  Do I need to bring her in for x-rays or surgery?"


Oh geez!  Oh no!  What are we going to do.  This is worse then I thought.  I should have just gotten her in the car and taken her directly to the hospital for surgery.

Then I heard the crying.

Wait.  Wait.  Oh no.
That's not crying.  

That's laughing.

"Your dog just amputated Barbies legs?" she said through giggles.  "That would be a different marketing angle."
"Yes.  Yes she did, um, amputate Barbie's legs."  I answered.  "Do I need to bring her in right now?"
"Oh honey, don't worry.  My dog once ate chunks of sheet metal and was totally fine." she answered.
"Could I speak to the doctor please?"  I asked.

Turns out Trudie, of course, was just fine.  A diet of soft bread for the next 24 hours, to make sure things came out all right, was all that was needed.

She may look innocent.  Not so much.

And don't even get me started on her coveting issues.  That's a story for another time.


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