Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Who Knew? How To...Lavender Sugar Scrub.

We've started the big Spring cleaning push around here. Lots to throw out, recycle and donate. It feels good to clear the space. Clear the air. 

It's also really nice to apply that Spring cleaning gumption towards yourself. This homemade Lavender Sugar Scrub is just the thing you need. It's luxurious and smells like a lavender field in France. I've never been to a lavender field in France, but I imagine it smells this good.

Homemade sugar scrubs are easy to make. And they make perfect gifts for yourself, family and friends.

Here's what you'll need:
1 C sugar
1/2 C olive oil
8 drops lavender essential oil 
2 T lavender buds 
2 four ounce containers to hold your scrub  

In a bowl, pour in your sugar and olive oil.

Next, add your lavender essential oil.

Stir your ingredients together. Smell. Do you have enough lavender oil? Add more if you think your scrub needs it. But don't over do it.

Now sprinkle in your lavender buds and mix. You'll see that the scrub starts to take on a light purple hue from the lavender buds. It's so pretty!

Now spoon your scrub into your containers. If you want, make a label and tie on a pretty bow. If you need more than 2 four ounce containers, you can easily double, triple or quadruple this recipe. Also, this scrub is not intended for your face or....ehmm...any private regions.  It could cause irritation. Stick with your arms, hands, legs and feet.

Sugar scrubs make a lovely hostess gift, Mother's Day gift or something special for the Easter basket. And, if lavender isn't your cup of tea, try these other wonderful sugar scrubs

You've got to love homemade luxury!

Cares and Mimi


  1. This is awesome. You should re-link on this week's how-to so people don't miss this post.

  2. I totally want some of this. What a great idea for gifts, too! You're very clever.
